Friday, April 1, 2011

Dear All,

The day is here…. Almost here… Reiki Day is on this Sunday April 3rd. Don’t miss this great opportunity to get together as a community, to learn, share and have fun. I’ll miss this one as I’ll be heading to China tomorrow but I’ll be thinking of you all. You’ll be in such good hands. Patricia will lead the meeting, Michael and Gwynne will help. Enjoy every bit of it!

Reiki Day on Sunday April 3rd 9:30pm - 5:30pm at Grailville Caravansary Bld.
Like last time, the morning session is for Reiki Master/Teachers* from 9:30 am until 12:30 pm; the afternoon session is for all Reiki practitioners from 1:30 pm until 5:30 pm. Day long events include discussions, experience share, Reiki share, Reiki drumming and Reiju (Reiki blessings). The agenda is attached. The event is free, like always we'll split the cost ($20/person for Reiki Masters including lunch and $10/Reiki practitioners). Feel free to invite Reiki friends.

Please sign up at Ning or send Patricia an e-mail (

* A Reiki Master/Teacher is someone who knows how to attune others to Reiki. Reiki teaching experience is not necessary to participate in the morning session.

Meditation Meet-up on Sunday April 10th 5:00pm - 5:45pm at Grace Tree Yoga Studio I’m facilitating monthly Meditation group meetings at Grace Tree Yoga Studio every second Sunday of the month. Join me each month to experience the dynamics and support of meditating as a group. Each meet-up will begin with a brief introduction for newcomers on the basics of meditation and a grounding meditation. The rest of the time is open for everyone to have their own experience. All are welcome. Gatherings are free (Love offerings accepted). Reiki

World Peace Meditation on Wednesday April 20th 7:30 pm – 7:45 pm

Join thousands of people around the world to send Reiki for World Peace. You can download the World Peace cards from William Rand’s web site:

Gentle Yoga classes on Thursday nights at 7pm Grace Tree Yoga Studio

I’d be thrilled if you could come to my Thursday night Yoga classes. We explore a sequence of gently paced Hatha yoga postures designed to stretch, tone, strengthen, and improve balance while increasing breath awareness. Flow moves from centering to breath (pranayama) postures (asana,) and final relaxation (savasana.). Emphasize is on "being" rather than doing. Perfect for all levels, especially those who look for a conscious practice.

All other Reiki events (Reiki shares, support groups, clinics) are posted in Ning. Sign up to get invitations to new events. Reiki hugs,
Love & Light,
Zeynep “Premdasi” Yilmaz